How do you drive your life ? 

Driving a vehicle is one of life’s most treasured and convenient privileges. Beyond the basics of driver training, how we drive our vehicle is open to wide personal interpretation. How we drive the direction of our life is also highly personalized.

The responsibility of driving a vehicle is surrounded by requirements. We register our vehicle, license ourselves, inspect the mechanical workings and observe road and speed limit signs. Their is a universal understanding that a painted stripe on the road defines the direction of traffic. 

These simple rules can also be applied to effectively drive your life. The analogy begins with your attitude. Know that you have the license to drive your life. The ONLY name on that license is yours.

Your life experiences provide information as to your particular physical mechanics. You know your physical realities, know your strengths and know where you may need to tune up. Health fuels how well we operate. We have  power to maintain our health. Just as with our vehicles, we are required to provide our bodies and minds with regular, quality maintenance for optimum performance.

Good Driving Habits for Life

The most basic elements of driving a car are :

  1. Keep your hands on the wheel AND…
  2. Keep your eyes on the road ahead  of you.
  3. Occasionally, look in the rear view mirror to see what is behind you.

Your Life’s Direction is Forward

1. Your hands need to be solidly on the wheel of your life. You can choose to have them at the ten and two position or the nine and three position . You can opt for a casual grip or a steely grasp. The style of how you drive is your choice.  But YOUR hands are the navigator of the life you are driving. 

You no longer require a driving instructor, parent or coach to give directions for how to drive your life.

2. You know where you want to go. Or you may know what you want to move away from. You may know the route to take or you may be on an exploration journey.  Regardless of whether you are moving towards a destination or away from a current situation, the direction is forward. 

3. The rear view mirror reflects where you have been, not where you are heading. It is a reminder of what is past and what has unfolded. A safe driver does not use a rear view to assist in planning a future route. A rear view only gives a glimpse of the past. And the past does NOT need to predict or direct the future road ahead.

It is helpful, safe and advisable to use our vehicle’s rear view mirror. BUT…use it occasionally and only a glance at a time. 

Good driving takes practice, focus and attention.  A fulfilled life requires the same elements and diligence.

Drive your life forward- with purpose ,with resolve and with the confidence resulting from mindful practice.

YOUR name is on the license of YOUR life!

Allow me to coach you towards driving your life YOUR way.









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