Caregiver Snorkel Syndrome

Caregiver snorkle syndrome is widely evident. It is usually unacknowledged.  UNTIL the caregiver is submerged and gasping .

Why a snorkel analogy?

The snorkel is a temporary device. It is used in  a non- life supporting environment.

Caregivers “snorkel” through ongoing tasks. They survive the challenges. They are submerged in a world of care for others.

The “snorkel” approach keeps the caregiver alive. But not afloat. The snorkel allows the caregiver to breathe. It does not allow the caregiver to thrive.

Caregiver Confusion- Where Are We Heading?

A caregiver steps into an unfamiliar role.  It is necessary. There is a responsibility after all!

 Elderly parents need help. A spouse or friend becomes seriously ill. The circumstances vary but the demands are similar.

The caregiver role is developed through on the job training. There is no caregiver roadmap.The route is unplanned. The destination is unclear. The caregiver is the conductor on a train that often seems runaway.

Caregiver Considerations  

There is research validating the dangers of caregiver stress.  A snorkel limits breathing options. Caregiver snorkle syndrome limits  caregiver life options.


http://www.HELPGUIDE.ORG offers an article on “Caregiver Stress and Burnout”. It is one of many sources addressing the common issues surrounding the caregiver role. 

Consider these common caregiver points:

  • This role is necessary but tough. It can be lonely and frustrating.
  • People not familiar with the role won’t “get it.” They don’t have to. YOU have to connect with those who DO.
  • Find a friend with similar challenges. There are support groups, Meet Ups and the Area Agency on Aging .
  • Assess your role. ARE you living through a “snorkel”? How do you rate your life satisfaction? Are you just surviving? Where do you allow room to “thrive”?
  • Are you saying NO to unnecessary requests? By saying NO to others you open up YES for yourself. You NEED to say YES to and for you!
  • You can only support the person for whom you care. You can NOT cure or “fix” them.
  • You may feel resentment or cheated. This comes with the territory. Continued resentment is a poison. Stop drinking from that cup.
  • Make time for you EVERY DAY. Make it your top priority. Productivity and stress release improve with time AWAY from your caregiving.

Caregivers sacrifice part of themselves to support others. You do NOT have to merely survive the caregiving experience. You can learn from the experience. Improve from the experience. Expand and appreciate the experience. 

It is NOT easy. It is not automatic. Caregiver snorkel syndrome can be reversed.

I invite you to join me. I invite you to rise to the surface. I invite you to freely give care to yourself.

I invite you to contact me for a sample session of how to float on the top of your life.

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About the Author

Julie Green

- 35 Years as an Educator and Administrator of an Alternative High School and Juvenile Detention Center.
- 5 Years as Director of Education in a residential, therapeutic treatment center for young adults unable to function successfully in society.
- 14 Years (and current active involvement) as primary caregiver for my own parents .
- 9 Years as Facilitator for local retiement adjustment group
- Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.)
- Three Master's Degrees (M. Eds) in Learning Remediation, Vocational Education and Administration.
- Certified Family Transitions Coach (Certified Through Coach Training Alliance)
- Active member of International Coach Federation.
- Lifelong learner and practitioner of gracefully applying grit to life's challenging transitions.


Phone: 208-755-2824



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