Essential caregiver characteristics- Grit / Grace

Caregiving activates numerous caregiver characteristics. Notably, the essential caregiver characteristics-Grit /Grace light the way to a richer experience.

Identify the most prominent caregiving characteristics you experience.  Patience. Strength. Empathy. Forgiveness. Grief. Exhaustion. Worry. Pride. Satisfaction. Not to mention, resiliency and resolve.

In fact, each of these fall into the essential caregiver characterisitcs- Grit /Grace. 

Additionally,  grit and grace have everything to do with the quality of care you provide. 

As a matter of fact, unless we tap into both, we flounder.

Where is my grit. How gritty am I ? ,offers an article on the” 5 Characteristics of Grit “by Angela Duckworth. Specifically, she moves beyond the usual definition of determination. While that is the essence of grit, the application of that quality differs a bit.

Grit has its own elements. Elements that caregivers craft into characteristics. Here are Duckworth’s gritty five:

  1. Courage: In spite of the ongoing and often relentless nature of the craft, caregivers keep going. Uniquely, caregivers experience a high incidence of “failure” but continue to adjust and prevail. 
  2. Conscientiousness: Achievement vs. Dependable: According to Duckworth, conscientiousness is the most closely associated with grit. Then again,  achievement oriented people become  more successful caregivers. They  work tirelessly, do a good job and completes each task at hand. On the other hand, a dependable caregivers may plod but not complete.
  3. Long term goals- Endurance: The goal of caregiving is twofold- provide comfort for your loved one AND keep yourself healthy.  Although there is not a finish line date, caregivers  maintain goals.
  4. Resilience This is such a KEY of caregivers! Gritty caregivers believe that everything will be alright, no matter what.  In other words, resilience moves you forward.
  5. Excellence vs. PerfectionAlthough there are times when perfection is necessary in caregiving ,it is rare. Caregivers providing excellent,not perfect, care are  more satisfied.

And Grace?

While grit may be the “doing”of caregiving, grace is the “being”.  Especially when applied to the caregiver.

Grace is the decency and dignity we direct to  people we love. Further, it is our agility and ease in the seemingly endless caregiving loop.

In particular, grace is a mindset. From time to time, caregivers “crash”. Exhaustion. Mental fatique. 

Grace forgives the circumstances. It forgives our slips and crashes. 

Grace is the overarching quality of kindness. To ourselves as well as our loved ones.

Essential caregiver characteristics- Grit/Grace

Certainly caregiving is a noble and necessary job. It is also demanding and draining. There are no prizes. Granted, it may be the right thing to do. BUT….without grit and grace it can be filled with resentment and fatigue.

As a caregiver, you HAVE grit. You HAVE grace. Although they may be hidden, they are within you. 

As in any desirable characteristics, they must be developed .

It takes practice and determination to be gritty. 

It takes grit and kindness to apply your grace.








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